Tech Library

FPI Team FPI Team

Pathways into Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the most stable and highest-paying pathways within the Tech sector - check out Cherish's guide on pathways to Cybersecurity!

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FPI Team FPI Team

An Intro to Blockchain Technology

You've probably heard of Bitcoin and Crypto, but what are the technologies behind it? How do these technologies impact other industries and how can you get into this emerging sector? Check out our intro to Blockchain to find out more!

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FPI Team FPI Team

30 Lesson Coding Bootcamp

30 LESSONS. YES - 30 Lessons focused on getting you started on your coding journey. If you're trying to get into tech - this is the perfect place to start!

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FPI Team FPI Team

5 Tips for Code Mastery

Whether your a beginner or you've been coding for some time, these 5 tips are sure to help you with you career progression to get better at coding!

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