What Are Universities Looking For in Journalism Applicants?

By Joel Davies

Universities typically seek candidates who demonstrate:

  • Strong Writing Skills: Your writing should be clear, concise, and engaging. Universities often look for evidence of your ability to write well through essays, articles, or other written work.

  • Curiosity and Critical Thinking: A natural inclination to question, investigate, and understand the world is crucial. Universities value applicants who show a keen interest in current events and a desire to uncover the truth.

  • Relevant Experience: Participation in school newspapers, internships, or any form of media-related activities can set you apart. This shows your commitment and practical understanding of the field.

  • Passion for Journalism: A genuine interest in news, storytelling, and media is essential. Universities want to see that you are enthusiastic about pursuing a career in journalism.

  • Academic Performance: Good grades, particularly in English and social sciences, indicate your ability to handle the academic rigours of a journalism programme.


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