The Legal Explorer Programme - Addleshaw Goddard (Year 12)

The Legal Explorer Programme is Addleshaw Goddard's flagship work experience programme for ambitious Year 12 and S5 students to learn more about the legal sector. We are working with PRIME to ensure the programme is specifically for social mobility candidates.

The programme will run from October 2024 to August 2025 with monthly workshops, mentor meetings and finish with a week of hands-on work experience in one of our offices.

As a Legal Explorer, you will receive:

  • A laptop to access online sessions and support your studies.

  • Online workshops giving you an insight into Addleshaw Goddard and working on key skills for a future career in law.

  • A mentor to provide advice and support throughout your time with us.

  • A week of in person paid work experience in the summer.

  • All travel expenses covered for in person activities.

  • Opportunities to network with Addleshaw Goddard colleagues and learn more about the different roles available to you.

Eligibility requirements

This opportunity is designed to support young people from less privileged backgrounds in association with the PRIME Commitment. As such, students must meet the following criteria:

  • You must either be in year 12 England or Fifth Year in Scotland or Ireland in the 2024/2025 academic year.

  • You have always a state-funded, non-fee-paying school/college (or currently be attending a DEIS school in Ireland).

  • You must be within travelling distance of an Addleshaw Goddard office in either Aberdeen, Dublin, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, Leeds, or London.

And one of the following:

  • You grew up in a household where no parent or guardian attended University.

  • You have been, or are currently, in local authority or state care.

  • You are, or have been, a full-time or part-time carer.

  • You came to the UK or Ireland as a refugee or asylum seeker.

  • The occupation of your main household earner is categorised as a routine or manual occupation. (A summary of this can be found here.)

  • You are currently in receipt of, or have previously received, free school meals, Pupil Premium, Education Maintenance Allowance and/or 16 to 19 Bursary (UK only).

  • You are attending a state school or college with a below average A-Level or Higher point score and/or a low rate of progression to higher education. (UK only – more details here.)

  • You identify as part of the Irish traveller community (Ireland only).

Please note you need to be able to attend the proposed dates below:

  • Monday 21 October, 17:00-19:00, Induction (Leeds Office - Manchester and Leeds students)

  • Monday 28 October, 17:00-19:00 (Edinburgh and London Offices - Edinburgh, Glasgow and London students)

  • Tuesday 29 October, 17:00-17:00 (Dublin and Aberdeen Offices - Dublin and Aberdeen students)

  • Week commencing 25 November, One hour (Local Office - All Students)

  • Wednesday 11 December, 17:00-18:00 (Virtual - All Students)

  • Week commencing 25 January, One hour (Local Office - All Students)

  • Wednesday 26 February, 17:00-18:00 (Virtual - All Students)

  • Week commencing 24 March, One hour (Local Office - All Students)

  • Wednesday 28 May, 17:00-18:00 (Virtual - All Students)

  • Week commencing 21 July, One hour (Local Office - All Students)

  • Monday 4 August-Friday 8 August (Local Office- All Students)

Please note occasional travel to other offices may be required. Optional ad hoc opportunities and an insight day hosted in one office during the spring break may also be organised in early 2025

Apply now!


Access Law - Ashurst (Year 12/13)


Smart Start Programme - A&O Shearman (Year 12)